Dyneema® Composite FabricとEVAシリカエアロゲルフォーム及びカーボンファイバー3Kを使用した重さ190gの超軽量断熱座椅子です
FR-chair carbon field with Dyneemaは正式にDyneema® の使用許可を取得しました
*This product currently takes about 21 weeks from order to shipping.
An ultra-lightweight chair with a weight of 270g that uses an original heat-reflecting mat for the seat and carbon poles for the V-shaped back frame.
The shape and stitching of the mat are designed so that it can be folded compactly, and the sides are 3D sewing to create a shape that fits the body.
Adjustable backrest angle with ladder lock
The two carbon frames that support the body are V-shaped.
An X-shaped frame is slightly more stable, but the frame is longer and the assembly is more complicated, so it is heavier.
So we decided to use a V-shaped frame that uses balance and the core to reduce weight.
This is an ultra-lightweight chair with the minimum necessary structure.
International shipping is available.
Shipping rates vary depending on the delivery address, size, and weight of your order.
Please send us an e-mail with the following information included. mail to : info(at) fieldrecord.jp
• your name • desired products • quantity • delivery address • phone number
we will inform you the total amount in our email reply.
In that case, payment method is available only by PayPal.
FR-CCF with Dyneema®
サイズ : W43cm x L52cm x H40cm
収納サイズ : W29cm x L21cm x H5cm
重量 : 190g (手作業による作成の為若干前後します)
色 : black
素材 : Dyneema® Composite Fabric / EVAシリカエアロゲルフォーム / 100%カーボンファイバー3K / LDPEフォーム / リップストップナイロン / コーデュラ
made in japan